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First Iteration Screen Reel

Here I have a compilation of all the work that I have done so far on my senior animation. From here I will work on my sound, credits and...

Beginning Paint

I had previously worked on inking my end during the period in which I had done the third painting due to how little time that it took to...

Inking Part 3

I have proceeded to ink the transition to as well as the second painting. I hope to start working on doing a color test for one of the...

Inking Stage 2

While working on this part of the inking process I came to a small realization. That one of the main problems I felt like I was facing...

Beginning Ink

I'm a little upset with myself for the fact that I had allowed myself to be a little off schedule. I had something come up on the weekend...

Semester Start

I feel like I could have done a bit more during the winter break but I found it difficult to work at home surrounded by my family. It's...

Transition 3 & Painting 3 Shots

Have been working on the next shots. However, I have not completed the transition as I am still testing out to determine what would work...

Shot Keyframe Production Start

First Scene Transition & Painting Shots completed. I still need to take the time to handle frame by frame fall sequence from inside the...

Production Begins

I had not been feeling the best for a while and took the time to rest. In doing so I fell slightly behind on my schedule. Which you can...

Film Pre-Production Update

There are a lot of things that need to be decided upon before proceeding further into production. First on the docket, I have rough...

Initial Brainstorming

This is the start of my senior film blog. I've had decided on my film during my pre production class last semester. My senior film will...

Senior Film: Blog2



Complete. Idea finialized

Storyboard, Script, References


Need to revise. Add granular details to the schedule such as shot count

Schedule Development


Well done. Small revisions to the timing of the animatic but all around good to go

Storyboard/Schedule Revisions, Animatic & Videomatic


Behind on this aspect. Will complete this weekend for next week

Impressionist Test


Behind on this aspect as well will complete this weekend for next week.

Rococo Test


Pointilism Test

Completed the test of the brush I would like to use as well as a test on manipulating the people in the paintings


Intro Keyframes

Notes. Apparently I have to keep these bodies on these future ones as it will others take the item description off of all of them. Strange.


Critique Revisions

This is your Schedule Item. Provide details about the event or activity, where it’s located and any other relevant information for your visitors. Add photos to make it shine.


First Scene Transition & Painting Keyframes

This is your Schedule Item. Provide details about the event or activity, where it’s located and any other relevant information for your visitors. Add photos to make it shine.


Second Scene Transition & Painting Keyframes

This is your Schedule Item. Provide details about the event or activity, where it’s located and any other relevant information for your visitors. Add photos to make it shine.


Third Scene Transition & Painting Keyframe

This is your Schedule Item. Provide details about the event or activity, where it’s located and any other relevant information for your visitors. Add photos to make it shine.


Fourth Painting & Transition Keyframes

This is your Schedule Item. Provide details about the event or activity, where it’s located and any other relevant information for your visitors. Add photos to make it shine.



This is your Schedule Item. Provide details about the event or activity, where it’s located and any other relevant information for your visitors. Add photos to make it shine.


End Keyframes

This is your Schedule Item. Provide details about the event or activity, where it’s located and any other relevant information for your visitors. Add photos to make it shine.


Intro Shots Animated

This is your Schedule Item. Provide details about the event or activity, where it’s located and any other relevant information for your visitors. Add photos to make it shine.


First Scene Transition Animated

This is your Schedule Item. Provide details about the event or activity, where it’s located and any other relevant information for your visitors. Add photos to make it shine.


First Painting Shot Animated

This is your Schedule Item. Provide details about the event or activity, where it’s located and any other relevant information for your visitors. Add photos to make it shine.

Senior Film: Schedule
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